Content Writing Tips To Improve Your Website Copy

 Good content for your website techineastmore shares, earn back links for your page and earn the trust of your visitors. We are in an age where capturing a reader's attention is challenging. People are spending fewer seconds on pages than they did before.

To beat this, one must give visitors good content that businessposts for the web and hold a reader's attention. These tips will help you give your content the attention it deserves.

Know your audience

Before you get down to writing, who are you raternews your content? What audience are you trying to reach? The primary audience is your clients while your secondary audience is anyone else who may need your services later. Make your content accessible and interesting. Answer all questions your audience may have questions to?

Stay away from keyword stuffing

Keywords are very important when writing for the web, however, using too many of said keywords is frowned upon. The keywords make it easy for your readers to read your content. It also, makes your content valuable and search friendly. Overdoing the keywords just makes your work look untrustworthy to your readers and to Google too. It starts to look like low-quality content and you get a high bounce rate. Over time, this may cause you problems with the search engines.

Elicit emotion from your readers

Your content should make your readers feel something. Your headline should compel your readers to click, your introduction should hook your readers and make them stay, while your content should make the reader feel something.

Make your content reader-friendly

The attention span of online readers is a bit short these days so keep it short. Keep your paragraphs short, your sentences short, and avoid repetitions. When writing, make sure your sentence structures, tone, style and word choice drive readers into action. Avoid using passive voice.

Link your articles

When doing content writing, you find that there are topics you refer to often. Instead of repeating these points every time or writing new blog posts on the same, link back to them. Doing this will save you time, help search engines know that your site has related content, boost your search results, make your content useful and help it stay fresh. Search engines use these links to understand how pages across your website are related.

Keyword research

Now that you know your audience, use keyword research tools like AdWords Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword explorer. This will help you discover what your target audience is searching for on Google. This also helps you discover how competitive a keyword is. Incorporate these keywords into your content when writing.

Look for secondary keywords to blend into your content. They will help you rank for a wide array of long tail keywords which leads to more traffic to your site.

Keep your content simple

Too much jargon will send your audience away. Use language that is simple and easy to understand.

Write for your audience, not search engines

Make sure your content has keywords, but do not force them into your sentences in a way that doesn't make sense or sounds weird. Also, make sure keywords you target are relevant to your audience. Whether a keyword has high search volumes or not, ask yourself, is it relevant to my target audience?

Hyperlink your sources

If you use another website's content, make sure you hyperlink it. Cite your sources because it's the right thing to do. This may also get you a reciprocal link or a quote in the future.

Citing sources also shows that the information you are giving is credible.


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